Dat trick want a treat, no Halloween. Every time I show up it's a scene. Tell me it's spotless, Mr. Clean. Got you addicted like a fiend. Waka Flocka hard in the paint. If you ain't faithful like a saint, Don't tell me it's mine, when it ain't. Especially if you been ran through, Like a track meet. Baseball player, the way I curve you, Butcher, the way you slaughter meat. Don't act like yo exes ain't deserve you. Don't front if you're a dead beat. Eating cat like I'm from overseas, The kid cool like the breeze. Jawns on my dawgs like fleas. Focused, staying on my Q's and P's. My rp noobs at you like a sneeze. Yea, it's Chocolate Thunder, To the top from way under. Farm you and plunder. From noob to vet. Mama kno her son set, And he fly, no private jet. Wettest dream you never had, Still your worst nightmare yet.
You all can come out and say no support, but who cares? Y'all don't even understand the lyrics and y'all ain't part of the culture. You think I care if a lot of inbred hillbillies say no support? Dat means I'm doing great. I bet a lot of you are Klan members anyways. Requesting lock, before the rest of the descendants of slave owners join in and start derailing my thread as well
YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR YOUR AUDIENCE, YOU AUTIST! YOUR CULTURE CAN GET STUFFED. THIS IS PIMD FORUMS AND IT SAYS IN THE POSTING RULES, TO USE "ENGLISH ONLY". WHY ARE YOU USING YOUR "LA DI DA KulTurE". You really think people on here are being racist for not understanding your ubermensch slang, laziness, language misuse, etc.? People can use slang well. You use it like it's a status symbol. Like it makes you cool. Like you don't even give a damn about its practical application and meaning. You don't even care about your audience. You're too cool with your la di da language to use it for the primary purpose of language; communication. Grow up. Your words don't mean smack if they're misunderstood. Go outside to your street and rap for your neighbours, mr Talent.