Still need store gifts?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Spam me waifu pillows :)
  3. Me!I need mostly all of them,I tried to trade but .
  4. I do...I need quiver, bread cat and blinging flamingo (pro) any would be appreciated 
  7. This is very nice of you to do. ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ You can skip me and focus on the rest, because I’m missing pretty much all the ecs ones minus 4, and it’s much to ask. ?
  8. Not even going to lie i do ?
  9. May I please get this hunts ice roctail and if possible aurora wood
  10. Bread cat ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️
  11. Store gift eh?
    Okay how about(・.・;)
    CuteCake Key? (゜o゜)
  12. Larper kit please

    Quiver & Arrow
    Thanks xx
  13. Cutecake Key isn't a store gift op.Stop trying to be funny.You're embarrassing yourself.
  14. Thank you for this thread!! Im accepting anything cos im pretty sure i havent got any of them
  15. How much does those quiver and arrow, bread cat and anime pillow cost..??
  16. Quiver and Arrow: 1 ec
    Anime pillow: $60k
    Bread Cat: ??
  17. 1ec as well
  18. Only 3 weeks in game need all the gifts any help is awesome