Buying/Selling Furniture Thread

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Nemo, Feb 21, 2017.

  2. Selling ?
    999ec Ski Lodge
    WMO TY ?
  3. Buying 4mcs single items for 3 bentos each
  4. Selling shrine to ganesha
    Wall offers
  5. Selling:
    -Top 100, 499ec bmx
    -Blue Kandi block
    -Modorm lamp
    -Beer necessities decorations
    -This hunts poster, print, and floor
  6. selling Dorm furnis in dorm&wall. Prices at wall wmid
  7. New furniture added
  8. Selling everything in my dorm, some lvled up. WMO
  9. Selling ABERZOMBIE WITCH BED for 4bentos
  10. Updated
  11. Buying Floor Weights
  12. Selling pumpkitten 499ecs - 10 bentos
  13. Buying lotus rug, also BUYING anything you think would look good in my dorm so Wall me.
    SELLING level 3 alien chair
  14. Looking for:
    Pretty in pink wardrobe (999 EC)
    Ikeo Purple Ottoman (499 EC)
    Ikeo Grundi Desk (purple & silver)
  15. Updated
  16.  I'm looking to buy "Spring Bouquet" 499ec furniture item for bentos! Wall me! 
  17. Looking to buy PC gamer’s desk and trading this hunts 999ec for another! Wall me offers
  18. Looking to trade my 90s rainbow bed for a dank and sons bed with some chibis. Please wall me.
  19. Trading my 999ec for any other 999ec looking to buy a desk that goes with my room wall me now
  20. ?Selling furnis for cheap

    •Dog planter
    •Halloween hunt top and bottom shelf
    •choodee rack
    •Above plant
    •Above desk poster
    •Hairy Lamp

    Wmo in chibis ?