[CONTEST] Happy Hypnoween!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. Stalks competition
  2. I thought this wud have a lot of entries...common people participate XD
  3. im fun too ?
  4. following.. sounds fun!!! itd be cool to have a few categories. i can't do scary lol
  5. Pretty sure kitten is judging based on originality and creativity (and not scary costumes can be that way too)
  6. Idk how to send pictures on here but I made an Alice Angel and Bendy inspired avis. SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO SEND PICS ON HERE
  7. Upload picture on imgur/any other picture hosting website. Copy the url of the pic uploaded.
    Use the following code without the asterisk ("*")
    [imgfit*]YOUR URL.jpg[/imgfit*]

    Voila !

  8. I’m not a good drawer okie  I want an avi that looks like this
  9. as many as you'd like ?

    ^ !

    there's no criteria other than be creative ?
  10. You know what I meant ☹️
  11. ?
  12. That.
    Is so darn cute.
  13. I hope you aren't a "drawer" at all, that would be creepy ?
  14. Who’s ruby?
  15. i put a lot of effort in k thx :')
  16. and i thought for second you have interesting life
  17. Ohh, another art contest :)

  18. The halo is the icing of the cake 
  19. Damn, I love this