Hire me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Conviviality, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. Hi I’m telling you, to hire me today because my pup is actually an ... hat.. so ?
  2. No support and it’s not his fault that he’s an ass hat.
  3. You’re too over priced not worth investing
  4. Cause he overpriced me ??‍♀️??‍♀️
  5. Then he should keep you
  6. I don’t want him to have me James. ??‍♀️ he has me blocked. Rip
  7. ? drop stats on him or wait a trillion years, ina a trillion years I'll have 300b more or less I'll hire ye then.
  8. you are not worth it
  9. op is op
  10. 
  11. In a snack wrap
  12. Hire me too
  13. Wow ok
  14. Nah hire me ?
  15. Waitttt it’s not like that 
  16. Your pupil is an actual hat? Pics or it didn't happen. ?
  18. Gotta edit 3 times, dayum