Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Fairly cohesive, 8/10.
  2. 5/10

    I like the horse a lot ️
    But your room can be look more comfty I think
  3. 5/10 love dat dragons
  4. 8/10- its pretty but idk if colors go together ?
  5. 8/10 the room just has a weird vibe I don’t feel like it matches that much
  6. 4/10. I like some elements, but I just don't care for certain items. It's personal preference, tbh.
  7. Holy fûck. Best dorm I've seen on this thread so far. I usually rate them all 1/10 but your dorm is above and beyond 11/10 broski. 
  8. Omg you match the person above you idk how y’all have such great dorms 10/10
  9. 9/10 very pretty
  10. 8/10 very colour coordinated