This is my only alt. I never fail. I feel as if you want to make up bull**** because your father abused you as I child. Did y'all play hide 'n seek in the dark too often? Maybe he told you he was going to make you a man in a way you never imagined before, now you're so ****ed up in the head
We don't have the same flaws, EBK_Jaco is an alt... Babyjaco isn't me. It's funny how little everyone knows so they make these assumptions wit no solid evidence.
Failed attempts equals 0, to the inbred hillbilly pretending to be black. @Mocha or whatever your name is, aren't you the latest troll? If so, please don't call me pitiful, when that's not true. Pitiful is fail trolling on my thread. The mods haven't locked this thread, because it's all fun and games. Whether you're willing to admit it or not, I get attention without trying and even entertain the bored and cheer up the depressed. I've also resolved my issues with the mods. I guess you could say, I learned to comply wit the rules much better than before
Yeah i'm lurking because its pretty mind blowing realizing how stupid humans can get, you're obviously test subject #1 for stupidity, but as anyone know's, being part of the first batch usually means you come with defects and all :lol: No wonder eh?
You're weird. How can I be stupid if I can read, write, talk, speak 2 languages, and belittle people like you so effortlessly? First batch? This is the 21st century, many generations are ahead of me. I see I need to disregard you. You deprive pleasure from fail trolling, because you feel like **** on the inside and you want a victim to feel how you feel. I feel GREAT, and no ***** made ***** or insignificant ***** can every make me feel less than GREAT. Nice epic fail
Donald trump can write, read and speaks... A LOT yet he's dumber than you so i mean.... make of that what you will Jaco. If you need a hint then don't be embarrassed to ask. We all have a little trouble sometimes. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Donald Trump is a better president than Obama. In my next thread... Trump is a genius, but if Hilary wasn't such a crook, he would've had trouble winning. What none of you seem to comprehend is that Trump was living in New York... the man isn't racist, and it hurts me to see how stupid my people are. We're the minority, yet we believe lies so easily. There's a gang, mainly based in New York that consists of illegal immigrants. They target minorities of Latino and Hispanic descent who can't defend themselves. They're killing kids and teenagers, running up in schools in broad daylight, killing them, robbing them, slashing tires on their vehicles. MS-13 Gang... Just look them up. They're known as the most dangerous gang in the nation fo a reason. Trump wants to stop illegal immigrants to stop the growth of dat gang, and to stop dat gang from killing more illegal immigrants and to stop the slaughter of the legal immigrants of Latino and Hispanic descent. Not only that, he wants to see more minorities employed, but can't cause illegal immigrants will take less wages and work more hours. They even do the jobs, that we don't want to do. Now obviously jobs are going to pay those who will take less money and work more hours. Plus, they pay them, "under the table," as the saying goes. So tell me, do you think he's still such an idiot? The media made up the racist rumors, and don't say he's sexist or gross after those disgusting comments you made earlier.
Oh right i forgot you were a trump support jaco :lol: if i do remember correctly that's what we first argued over about a year ago. Btw i don't have time to read all that ?
Read it. Don't be ignorant. I'm not just a Trump supporter, I'm a researcher of knowledge. Look up the gang I mentioned. You'll see the facts and evidence. You'll comprehend the fear the spread into countless hearts. Even ex gang members are shook
Yes, I called us stupid to be blinded by the lies the media feed us. Don't take what I said out of context. Read and understand. Do some research on yo own. There's many things messed up with this world, and America holds some of the darkest secrets. If we didn't want bad presidents, then why did Bush and his son get into office? Jet fuel can't melt steel beams. Do you think steel would collaspse and set fire so easily and cause an explosion? Then, how would terrorists hi-jack two planes and go off coordinate? Haven't you seen the movies? Their flights are monitored and they are given directions in real life. How would terrorist even move the planes to directly hit the exact same spot at that altitude? Ask the soldiers, Iraq was about the oil. All it takes is to ignore the media and do research on your own.