Hire Me?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIlIIJake_From_State_FarmIIlII, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. My stats dont look too great rn. But im an intel build account. Need some help volleying it. If you could help that'd be great. Pleade and thank you.
  2. yeah pleade
  3. Too early to become an intel build, best to start when you reach 1mcs.
  5. i went to wc and no one hired me. so i came here. thx.
  6. Try your club.
  7. Try upgrading and then asking. you're op af.
  8. You have a pup already... Could learn some rp from her
  9. you aint worth it
  10. and what does rp have to do with me upgrading and being hired? did you hire me? no. so dont worry about me.