Vegetarian player

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rang-Cena, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Ive offer him a Beautiful Fat Chicken so that he can fill his Tummy But he rejected :'(
    How rudeeeeeeee
    He must be vegetarian player ? hmmmmm

  2. I would've rejected, so apparently that would make me a vegetarian player? Ok then
  3. You probably told him that you were making a legit trade with him, then trolled him at the last moment, kinda screwed up tbh
  4. Nah it was definitely scripted
  5. Well that’s just depressing isn’t it
  6. I've brought some grass for you. ?

    Fresh fresh grasss ?? ?
  7. In which angle do u think its scripted? ?
  8. OMG That's funny.I wish I could stop laughing

    I wish
  9. You see
    now thats scripted.. ?
  10. you should send me that chicken : )
  11. Why have i not seen this before?
    Mr. dry paint humour strikes yet again... as his actions continue to grip the community with annoyance.
  12. stop complaining :lol:

    Jesus Christ
  13. Clearly you don't know the definition of "complaining" I'm making fun of you, not complaining :lol:
  14. Make fun of me too pls
  15. You are the nubbiest nub i have ever seen in my entire 5/6 years in playing this game, please uninstall and never come back you imbecile.
  16. You never quit do you ?
  17. Then you're not a good at Making fun...
  18. That's okay, i don't do it to be good at it.
  19. LOL!

    Clearly govin felt like he was ripping you off dude, that's why he rejected.
  20. No worries you will get there soon....