She should be remove

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rang-Cena, Sep 3, 2017.

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  1. I wish I was the mod at that very moment.
  2. You can be, if you pray to the mod lord
  3. Is that you ?
  4. ? of course it’s me
  5. Pray to me and find out
  6. So, if I pray, you're just gonna tell me how you're doing ?

    No ty
  7. It’s better than giving me a chibi, I’m giving you a cheaper deal
  8. Alright i accept
    But give me a good reason why i should apologize to her?
    7 day silence isn't a joke no?
  9. of course getting silenced isn't a joke. it's a punishment. idiot, don't break the rules next time.
  10. It’s not like it’s a month silence, you should apologise for causing her to use her mod abilities on you
  11. Just uninstall so you'll never be silenced nor have to see her green name again
  12. Feel tree to pm me (; Spamming is against ToU. You think it's unfair you got silenced: Feel free to report it to Ata.
  13. Pm ?
  14. Niceeee ?
  15. Well said Jess
  16. You’re clearly gonna be arpee’ing with her in the pm
  17. 

  18. Oh my
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