Slam Book 2k17

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rang-Cena, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Oyeeeeee ?
    I hope you all know what slam book is right? ?

    "A slam book is a notebook (commonly the spiral-bound type) which is passed among students. The keeper of the book starts by posing a question (which may be on any subject) and the book is to fill in their own answer to the question"

    Got it So are you Ready? 

    1.Tell me about three funniest friends you know in this game

    2.What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?

    3.Who is your secret crush in pimd?

    4.What is your deepest fear?

    5.Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend?

    6.Which fe/male PIMD Players would you want to take away for a weekend? ?

    7.Do you believe in love? Why or why not?

    8.Some positive points in you = ???

    9.Some negative points in you = ???

    10.If you could join any clubs , where would you go?

    11.Have you ever told someone you hated them but not really meant it?

    12.Is there a key to your heart?

    13.What would you like to change about yourself?

    14.If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do?


    15.Words about me :lol:
  2. 1. Daisy-nub, Sam-Nub and Rora-nub (when she’s not too busy arpee’ing)
    2. Don’t eat before you go on rides
    3. My secret crush is a secret, nub.
    4. Deepest fear would involve getting sucked into an ass and never being able to escape.
    5. Many times, can’t resist.
    6. Probably SweetHoney
    7. Nah, love is an illusion that you tell yourself to help you feel better about your lust.
    8. I enjoy chilling.
    9. There is none :(.
    10. I’d join the codes for their Arpee obviously.
    11. Nope, when I tell you I hate you, I mean it from my heart, nubby.
    12. Yeah, it’s between women’s legs.
    13. I’d make my penis size 5 inches larger.
    14. I’d probably become a male model.
    15. Never heard of slam book, sounds weird.
  4. 1. Most people I've met are dead serious in the game.Except for some nubs who're wanting to rp

    2. Get your jokes updated

    3. No

    4. Toe sucking rp

    5. No

    6.Anyone but you

    7. A mother's love ? Yes. The rest are all fake.

    8. I'm original

    9. Hungry all the time

    10. RP Clubs (preferabbly flocc's secret rp clubs)

    11. Yes

    12. Sharpnel

    13. Get younger so I can eat some more food

    14. Eat more food

    15. idk you
  5. Finally someone got a chance to insult me
    Fair enough :lol:
  6. Ily ?
  7. Ily2 Nub ?️