How long?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SorryButIJustWannabeCool, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. How long does it take for the next hunt to start nowadays.
  2. You really made this question a thread....?‍♂️
  3. It hasn't even been 45 minutes yet, chill. Banner for it is already up on the campus buzz page.
  4. just wait 
  5. Not long enough.
  6. Nowadays? Youve been active 41 days..
  7. Do you remember -_A_-Jax AKA the scud king. I played this game longer than him on my old accounts, that I lost. I have probably played this longer that you. I remember _Warrior making his first guide.

  8. okay
  9. This app has changed so much, I was a little shocked when had to pick between 2 0/0 starting avatars.

    What happen to the 15% / 15% avatars
  10. hunts dont stop