Welcome to the team, New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Hey guys!

    We're super stoked to announce our latest additions to the PIMD moderator team! These awesome folks will contribute in great ways to make Party In My Dorm a welcoming place for new and existing users as our game continues to grow!


    Welcome aboard!

    As such, our moderator application is now closed! Thank you.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Yayyyy!!!!! WELCOME!!!! =DDDDDDD
  3. Yayyyy!!!  welcome new mods!! Glad to have you on the team! 
  4. Welcome guys! 
  5. Congrats?
  6. Hoi ? and thanks.
  7. Congrats all
  8. congrats to the new mods ??
  9. Oh wow, lots of people. Welcome and congratulations! ^_^
  10. Idk any of them ?
  11. Thank you!❤
  12. Congrats Mike ?
  13. Welcome to the green squad! 
  14. Hmm, now we have a Sinderella and a Cindyrela ??
  15. If I use google translate can I be a Hindi mod?
  16. Congrats guys and gals!!!!!
  17. New mods to bug 