What up with these new deals??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XSIIPIlRIIElIAllDIITIlHlIEllMX, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight ?

    We want Fight We want Fight we want Fight ?

  3. where to get that kind of box?
  4. The key one is decent. Five keys and enough credits for two more which is basically a 70ec value for $5. Couldn't care less for the bento deal—I ignore that one. The hypnocat deal is alright too but I think somebody already mentioned it above. I'd rather have 75ec or whatever the older deal was than the cat extra ec. It'd be good for buying furniture.
  5. Nobody cares. A.t.a should remove deals
  6. I want the old deals back.. These new deals r not worth the money.. They completely got rid of the $20 pack & no deals r 4 ecs only.. I have not got any besides the $5 cat & ecs pack & I will not until they bring back straight ecs packs.. Lost my business besides $5 here & there..
  7. ata doesnt really care whether u spend $5 a month or $20 when there r ppl that spend tens of thousands but keep complaining ig lmao
  8. They will care when ppl stop spending & they will as soon as they c these new packs r not worth it.. I thank u 4 ur opinion though.. 
  9. Ok.. I lied.. The $30 "It's Raining Cats" deal is not 2 bad.. I purchased it 2day.. 5 cats & 180 ecs.. Lol.. Sorry 4 lying.. 
  10. Bumping so someone can see