An Idea to keep PIMD clean but still fun.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lamia94, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Hey guys I have an idea to keep pimd clean and safe for everyone but at the same time fun for everyone.The thing is most of us are 17+(with some 13 years olf pretending to be 17+).Many of us are used to use curses in real life and use dark humour and say things which might get you silenced in game but it is not likely to actually offend someone in real life.

    While on the other hand there are people who can't tolerate such language at all and Don't want to see stuff like that on public channels and want to keep things clean as well as possible.

    Now moderators exist to keep things clean but they will or will not be on at all the times so it will create problems in those situations plus a handful of people can't possibly control thousands of people playing the game.

    Now when moderators do silence people ata recieves a bazzallion tickets like wrong fully silenced or like i was posting that on my frnd's wall if he is not offended then why are you??

    So both types of people aren't actually fully satisfied with the system.

    Now if ata creates a filter option that is provided to every player.

    For example

    Adult mode:you can use curses anf profain words as well as see messages with those words in wc and wall.

    Safe mode:you can neither use curse or adult words on public channel.Neither can you see messages with those words

    Adult profile:you can post adult content on that person's wall
    Safe profile:you can't post adult content on that person's wall

    This filter will solve everyone's problem and reduce number of silences as well as overhead of the moderators.

    note=This is just my opinion you have your right to disagree.Have a nice day
  2. To be honest, if profanity was allowed it would be abused a lot.
  3. You have a right to disagree but if only those can use profanity can see profanity and those don't want to use profanity can't see profanity doesn't that create a platform with everyone being happy?
  4. Ooo I like this idea.
  5. Just so you know. People can bypass anything. By using stuff like é í á ó ú they are commonly used to bypass. So your idea all in all would not work. And don't disagree saying that what the safe mode is for. If you use those characters you can bypass even the most strict systems.

    Oh and this isn't my opinion. It's a known fact!!!!
  6. I was waiting for this issue to be raised.That's why i said the over head of mods will be reduced and not that they won't be needed anymore.Just think about it if a person uses those words to bypass the system then that means he is deliberately trying to offend people and causing problem.I just said it will make pimd safe and fun at the same time.The thing you are suggesting is about people who will deliberately try to offend/harass others coz that isn't for fun and would be silenced.
  7. I k ew you would say that but you gotta thing. People do it on purpose now. Why not do it on purpose then.
  8. There doesn't exist a full proof or optimal solution for any problem.All we can think about a solution close to the optimal one.This Idea will reduce the problem and only people who will be left outside the scope are those who are deliberately trying to offend/harass someone and they can be punished.
    Even if this doesn't solve the problem all together it decreases the overhead of support,mods and many people.
  9. Or just get rid of the filter altogether, It's so stupid.
  10. I have stated my point and i need not be here anymore.Again it was an opinion and you don't need to agree to it but it's a way to give everyone a space and freedom of speech while not offending others.
  11. Plus like you said with "safe mode" on the mods viewing that area would be able to get rid of troublemakers more easily.

    No system is perfect but this would allow kids to play this game and not have to worry about being harassed ... cause like I said the mods would be able to keep a better eye out.

    ^ felt like I needed to explain that slowly so people wouldn't reply with hostility ?
  12. I do agree 10000000 times, This is a game and people will use profanity for fun, Troll is everwhere Op… Especially in Internet game, the home of trolls…
  13. People who can't tolerate such language. I lold. Bypass in cc. Report underage players. Use less colours. Type less paragraphs. Also no support
  15. Should've advocated for a thirst filter. Then we wouldn't have to scroll through all the tacky rpers in wc who are looking for a fun time.
  17. Disable all chat options/channels and individual choice in account name and club names. Problem solved.
  18. After being on here 6 years I admit this would be nice, though probably a pain to code.

    Let adults be adults, if someone is sensitive then allow the option to be able to see versus censored.

    The censor for the most part is unnecessary, for the most part. Only a few things censored that really deserve to be.