The Mother of Conventions

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. I hope ya'll don't have a short convention span!

    How It Works

    It's the dawn of a new age (or Story), and the most dramatic PIMD card-game rivalry is at hand: "Party for the Throne" vs "Fanatic: The Collectioning".

    For this event, you may choose which side you fight for. To do so:

    1. Collect Vouchers from Cat Cafe, Pizza Pop Art, POTD/PPOTD.
    2. Go to the Store.
    3. Buy either Party for the Throne T-Shirts to have them combine with your Vouchers into Party for the Throne Booster Packs.
    3. Buy Fanatic T-Shirts to have them combine with your Vouchers into Fanatic Booster Packs.

    A visual.

    You earn your progress across the main story tiers by choosing your Booster Packs.

    There will be 2 separate leaderboards, one for each side, with unique avatar rewards. Once again, it is possible to earn rewards from both leaderboards.

    At the end of the event, the winning team will be determined by who has the most Booster Packs. The top 5000 of whichever team wins will receive bonus rewards!

    Bonus rewards!

    Jitter Spinner

    Note: There will be an extra hour at the end of the event to convert all Vouchers into your chosen Booster Packs. This means party drops will stop at noon PDT, but you will have an extra hour to get conversions done!

    Challenge Weekend

    There will be 2 Challenge Weekends during this event! They will be.. on the weekends. The first will involve completing parties (which all ya'll are familiar with), and the second will have you guys finding a secret item.

    These challenges will be slightly different from previous ones, but nothing the brave and not-so-brave can't handle.


    Comic Con in my dorm, anyone?
    Kefo likes this.
  2. ️️
  3. Loving this
  4. Yessssss
  5. Been looking forward to this!
  6. Aww cute
  7. Dear god
  8. I am groot  yay
  9. Confusing a lil
  10. Oml yes
  11. Coool af?
  12. Love this hunt... 
  13. Wish they would go back to showing all the avatars ? anyway, better than last hunt.