
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_FluorescentEllis_x, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. When your opinion is foolish...yes. If you are here to be social, then drop stats to 0/0 and be social. Otherwise, as has been said ad nauseam, stats and stat items exist for the PvP aspect of the game.

    This post is like walking into a Mexican restaurant and being offended that they're serving enchiladas.
  2. So commanding
  3. Now i want tacos. :(
  4. Nub. There will be no use of the game then.
  5. RP!?
  6. Omfg how could I forget about rp. :cry:
  7. Farming is a part of the game.
  8. I ushally only put my input in fun forums but this smh. You have to really be emotionally attached to your account to be that lame to let someone bully you thru a screen. Its physically impossible for someone to "take" items your scary slef gave it to them. creating this forum to complain was pathetic. If you Joined pimd before parties you wouldn't have lasted cause that's all it was war. If you was looking for something more child friendly they still have candy crush.
  9. Go back to Meegos, k?
  10. Op...go play Meego before it dies. You have a couple of months only. I hope you have an android. Good luck!!!!
  11. Not only emotionally attached, also dumb.
  12. Well, now there's an option. Problem solved.?
  13. R u joking right now? Oml all u new players can do is complain about farming. How do u think the game was played before parties were introduced. Check urself before u wreck urself OP. Maybe we should farm u for making this forum tbh
  14. hawt, right?
  15. Maxine,

    This game has pvp for a reason. Just because you don't like it doesn't make anyone a "bully" for enjoying hitting players just like you take enjoyment in hitting parties. PvP is not leaving so don't complain. If you're being farmed for items, how about you don't cease fire because you're just losing fake cash on a game, keep your items.?
  16. AMEN
  17. Your stupidity isn't fair to the game. No support

  18. Haha go play FarmVille haha
  19. Support actually
  20. No support hit back or stop crying. Lock this pls