Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Feanceh, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. it is informative, i like this post, helpful and legit..
  2. Everyone else with Professionally Diagnosed bpd can add me ok.
  3. Thank you for this post. It is always a good idea to educate.
  4. I totally just tested on these today!  great thread!?
  5. Your username suggests we use genocide, even though democide would be technically correct, to neutralize undesirable behavior, but you advocate for "kindness and compassion." Hmm.
  6. Dont read too much into it.
  7. Kindness and compassion does go a long way. Its just people need to classify others to the minute detail over minor things. to sound sophisticated and clever to help inflate their meagre nonexistent ego to feel superior to someone else when in reality? they still nutsuckerz