I often go around and look at random pages and I get a kick out of people's status messages, don't hit me or you will be farmed This message is the best I love hitting people with this message. This game is pvp based and as long as you don't over do it and I think the rule is no more than 5 in 24 hours your ok..... hit me and I will hit 5x back This message is great to I also whack them 2x times when I see a message like this.... So I hit you twice you get me 10x great you now farmed me and now my club will farm you and as you said you will hit 5x back well good luck with that hope you have alot of doctors notes. my favorite one if you hit me I'll strip your tutors and hit you back Wow I followed this person just so I can get rid of my inactive tuts....this person rocks!!!! Lmao It's a pvp game if everyone had a message you better not or else? How would we get our achievements? Be real people with the status messages! Any funny ones please feel free to post!