Lillie 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, May 27, 2017.

  1. someone please tell me what that purple blob is
  2. That's not nice at all 
  3. Date me too pls
  4. Reminds me of Amethyst from SU. ? It's cute
  5. are u a qt girl
  6. Cheating on me ☹️
  7. larry i can't be chained down bb ily tho
  8. good that your are self concious
  9. Being ugly is something you can fix.

    Having an ugly personality tho.. that's permanent.
  10. I like her sexy big round um eye. Yeah eye.
  11. aw, im sure you can work on it
  12. T
  13. that was deep
  14. It is in yet tho