Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You think people saying stuff about people claiming to go inactive and then not will go away? Like at least she was asking a question she didn't just troll her. However if you don't want negative comments or negative feedback, don't post on forums you're always gonna get it, if you're going to get butthurt and make
    Forums more painfully boring then they are....please kindly leave. If you can't take it or can't take it being said to someone else then be like a basketball and bounce.

    I've had hashtags made from my name because I used to say I was quitting or leaving or blah blah blah and never did, also because I love selfie threads so #selfiequeennolifecherry

    And I'm drunk and rambling cause it's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to kthx!
  2. I was going to go inactive but I didn't k
    Pretty sure I've already said that I have good friends on here some out of the game who are on this aswell they convinced me to stay
    I have compliments before and to be honest only time I look at selfie thread is when I post so I don't really care about compliments I post for a laugh I don't need strangers saying I'm pretty or ugly or whatever I honestly don't care Its a laugh you have your opinions I have mine

  4. Go inactive ml
  5. Don't fretti, eat some spaghetti, don't frownie, eat a brownie.

    Also, uninstall.
  6. Omg shut up byte. u go inactive :(
  7. How to send pics in messages?
  8. You cant.
  9. Why am i laughing so hard 
  10. cause your sense of humor is terrible
  11. Yus yus my bb ️
  12. Omg hi pup imysm pls love me more
  13. Redid it for a smaller pic [​IMG]
  14. [​IMG]

    Because i want to be a cool kid
  15. Lmao didnt think it was that big 