Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. I'm 230KCS
    Looking for 200KCS
    Can't ask
  3. Need RS to max gifts on every hunt, and be an occasional volley partner.

    I'm 12mcs and can't ask.
  5. need rs 15mcs+
    I can ask out ?
    Talk active af????
  6. I'm 3MCs now n still finding, ask me out guys
  7. ?looking for a stat RS
    ??Who is active????& sweet??
    ??My stat or higher??
    ? I will ask?
    ?If stats are lower you need to ask?
  8. i got a 12-13mcs friend who wants an rs
    much be 13mcs+
    must be able to take hits
    stats rs only
    and you must ask out
    wall me/pm me if you are interested
  9. Heya,
    I'm 15mc+ and looking for someone who is 10mc+. Must be willing to ask out and exchange gifts. Preferably a female. Thanks.
  10. I have a 9mcs Alt who is looking for a RS same stats or higher game related only no poxy RP
  11. Looking for an rs, preferably 10mcs but will be okay with 6mcs . Can't ask out. Would prefer a person with a strength build. ?
  12. Where that lucky at? Come ask me out already lol. Jk jk
  13. I'm 12mcs+
    Ask out 
    I don't mind if your stats is lower, just be reasonable and active.

    I can chat with you and exchange gifts.
    Wall and follow if int.

  14. Updated, I forgot that emoji doesn't work here.
  15. Hi me is 31mcs looking for a rs kbai ??? no askout
  16. I'm looking for rs with higher strength and higher stats. Please do wall me if you are interested 
  17. ask me out na
  18. hi I'm 15mcs, looking for a RS. Wall me, No ask out ?
  19. 290kcs
    Ask me out ?
  20. 15MCS
    Want a guy who actually talks ?
    I can ask if you're bigger than me
    Prefer a strength build but don't really care