Need help

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllllBITEMElllllllll, May 4, 2017.

  1.  I made the mistake of signing into an old email, I wanted to see what account it was connected too. Well this account is 4 years old and perm silence. 
    I can't unlink I've emailed and messaged on the help thing on here. Any clue how long it will take them to get back to me, if they can't lift silence I just need to unlink to get to my other account. I'm going crazy on this account. I've been waiting since yesterday for response 
  2. It should up to 24 hours, however if there's a lot going on it sometimes takes a bit longer.
  3. Sad life :S

    If u teach me How to cook Water?? ⊙_⊙

    I think i can Help you out..


    Do you love Chicken wings? ?
  4. Ohh btw can you really sign up for perm silenced acc? I thought you can't open the app when you got perm silenced
  5. Oh trust me it opens 
    You cant message, gift, or post in cc or anything. It's a lonely life. 
  7. That's called a ban. Not a perm silence