Last giveaway of mine(?)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Faie, May 1, 2017.

  1. Furnitures please
  2. Trying my luck for 1st place
  3. Me me my Fairy ?

    P.s. it saddens me to know that you're leaving. It would be better if you stayed...
  4. 
    Pick Me!!
  5. Giveaway 
  6. ily
  7. May I have a bento or chibis? ? or something? 
  8. Ooaah, I really want chibis :3 ?
  9. Well, I hope you are okay.. Just bored from game and etc.. I would love to have any item tbh.. Even a chibi.. Thanks for your kindness in advance.. Take care
  10. Finally moving to real life have fun ???
  11. CAN I PLS HAVE 
  12. Can I have anything? Just anything? Thank you in advanced 
  13. I dont know you are but enjoy your life in the real world
  14. Aww... I wish i became your friend before you quit this game  but goodluck in all of your decisions you make in your life  have a good day thankyou in advamce if you give something to me  i will highly appreciate that 
  15. Why I can't type anything :O
    It says "Characters left: 0"
  16. Give me ur items. I will pray for ur happiness ?
  17. can i have bentos pls?