Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 22.5 mcs
    Looking for RS 25mcs up.
    Wall me
  2. Looking for new rs, I am:
    ~Upgrading frequently
    ~Friendly but not any friendlier than need be
  3. Looking for new rs as mine is inactive
    I'm 10mcs looking for 4mcs+
    Preferably Australian (like me)
    Willing to ask out
    And be able to max eachothers cash gifts
  4. I'm 1mcs, active multiple times everyday
    Looking for a friendly stat rs
    Will usually try to max new gift's
    You have to ask
  5. My stats are currently low as of the moment. However, I'm very active. I'm saving up a lot of money so I could upgrade. I'm looking for an rs, any stats as long as you could ask me out. Thanks!
  6. 》9.45/9.45
    》Looking for same or more stats.
    》I don't have ask out.
    》Rs ONLY for stats.
    》Male or female (don't matter).
    》Willing to max cash gifts.
  7. Still looking!?
  8. I'm 1mcs
    I would like a stat rs
    Please be 600kcs️
    I am on daily
    I upgrade as quickly as I can
    Please ask me out
  9. My stats or higher. I'll ask
  10. Looking for a stat rs female who can ask my stats or higher please.
  11. I just want a rs that can ask, maybe at least 2kcs so I know you can upgrade? I will help you grow. Of course a rs bigger than that would be very nice~ Any gender will do, not looking for anything real or more than just stats
  13. 15mcs I can ask .
  15. 18mcs
    I can't ask
    Would like to be friends but if not that's okay haha.
    Willing to max hunt gifts but not a requirement.
  16. 240kcs
    Any kcs
    Ask me out?
  17. My RS has become MIA lol looking for new one. My stats aren't that high at moment but I'm constantly upgrading. You need to ask though.

  18. My alt already have one so Im the only one left and still lookin ?
  19. So I'm 28.5mcs, I'm looking for rs 30mcs ++ and won't leave me if they get threatened ?
  20. Looking for a rs with same stats or higher. Ask me out! Very active and always upgrading.