Selling/Trading Items Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lunar, Apr 25, 2017.

  2. Homeboy ? Really  like you can't tell my gender from my ign ??‍♀️
  3. yeah because I'm totally not doing it on purpose
  4. Sell my bball bed for the showtime bed
  5. Selling April spinners, 900 pugs, 7 bento's as well now wall me or post here
  6. I'm looking for bball furni! Wall me pls, offering Bentos and mcs :)
  7. help my guy out :)
  8. Buying pretty in pink furniture add me to trade

    Offering mcs items and my bento
  9. Selling zolt colas for MCs items ( serious buyers only)
  10. Sell me all your chibis k thanks :) wall me ?
  11. Selling Box for peps or chibis