CONTEST Toga Selfie

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 19, 2017.

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  2. You make one, you see I made mines with a blanket
  3. 
  4. For any of the girls who are afraid to enter because you think you are "too fat", I just wanted to say, GO FOR IT.
    In ancient Greece, when wild togas roamed the earth, men wanted a woman who was larger. There were two reasons for this: 1.If she was chubby they knew she wasn't silly and likely to die in childbirth. 2. If she was chubby it meant her family had money and wouldn't become a burden on him.

    Look at art from back then, all the women considered to be attractive had low hanging breasts, a pudgy belly, and a thick round face. So instead of being ashamed, dress up and strut your stuff like goddesses the ancient Greeks knew you to be!
  5. Strike that "silly" it was meant to say "sickly" but my phone is a jerk.
  6. <3

  7. I TRIED #killme
    It really worked
  9. I might post one 
  10. Damn...We've got a winner
  11. He probably thinks he has one below his waist
  12. When you're only 4"10 & your bathroom mirror is to tall well rip
  13. ?
  14. DO IT
  15. Omg YASSSS DO IT
  16. I saw this coming.
  17. Pls submit again :3
  18. Cute!
  19. So adorbz <3
  20. P r e a c h it!
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