I. Am. Officially. BAAAAACK.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKashviEatIceCreamAt12AM, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Yo peeps! Anyone remember the lameass Kashvi AKA LoveLifeStyle? I'm back, with a new account! Got locked out of my main. ? Lost all my contacts, stats, avas, everything. Stupid app doesn't have a forgot password button. #THESTRUGGLEISREAL Lame. Whatevs. ? Kthxbai. ?️
  2. Negative
  3. If you would of stayed gone a little longer I may have started to miss you
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Yay. ?
  6. Don't remember you but welcome back tho. ?
  7. If you go to pimd website there is a forget password button
  8. There's a chance at resetting password, if you remember your email. :eek:.
  10. Welcome back to labyrinth
  11. There's a forgot password option on the pimd login screen.

    Just another excuse to get free items eh
  12. I dont but hello
  14. You're like that one kid nobody remembers that tried to run for president

    Oh yeah, Mitt Romney
  15. I remember you! Welcome back. 
  16. When u dunno people and u been here for 6 years?
  17. Dunno you but welcome back to.?
  18. there is a forget password on the website ?
  19. At least SOMEONE remembers. ?️