oh look he lives

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Where am I? How did I get here? 2 years away and I'm lost on this game 
  2. Lolz. Welcome back.
  3. Shouldn't of come back to this hell hole
  4. Yes and no haha I played many many moons ago old account is very small due to the fact that max level was only around 300kcbs

    I see it's still the same shithole I left with all of this new stuff. When I originally left there were no parties only wars 
  5. This whole room and cellphone story thing confused me when I came back.
    But it seems most people just trade items, like its a main focus now?
  6. Yea this place has turned into a joke it seems.. I attacked someone twice and got walled complaining about it.. where the sfw at? 
  7. Might need to grow a little more first love lol
  8. Yeah. I left before this cellphone thing started and I was LCBC around the time when I left. Come back and there are now 52mcs people like I cant start sfw with these people now 
  9. Better open your wallet grandads and grandmas. You need to give money to ata now if you wanna grow fast. It's all greed now :(
  10. Jopo were you around for lordsammichmaker and kingwayne terrorizing the forums?

  11. Haha nah not wasting money on this game I haven't played in almost 2 years
  12. Ive been on forums since August 2011 lol. I dont remember LordSammichmaker but Wayne was a forum god 

  13. I changed my name a few times I was sb-abyss sandwichmaker lordhotlunch and something else. Wayne was like my best friend on this game haha he would literally send me a message in the middle of the night because he got into band argument on forums and wanted me to either read or join in 
  14. I kinda remember Abyss lol. Some people come off as annoying to me so I'll ignore them. Maybe that was you 

    But Wayne I do remember and he was my fave
  15. We have talked before I remembered the name haha
  16. Yeah that might be why. But i havent been as active now, usually just lurk. I reached 22k forum posts about a year and a half ago lol. Im almost at 23k now. If I woulda kept up the pace I'd be breaking 30k posts by now. As far as I know I'm like #5 on most forum posts.
  17. You left too many times Jopo
  18. Well for over a year I was on an alt CTRL_C so yeah lol. But ive always been here, just lurking