Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -iPhil_AmSimply_aBeast, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. 1. My butt tends to hurt minorly cause of it.
    2. My mom says she will farm me too if it doesn't stop
    3. I can't sleep b3cuz my phone is glued to my
    nose watching my $$
    4. Can't go to gym n I get fat CuZ ppl farm my ghetto booty

    Plees band together like butt buddies to stop this outrageous act tank u very mut. 
  2. Try hard OP
    Squirtle already got this locked down,move along
  3. [​IMG]

    for those who need it over farming on a tap game

  4. EY thynk neyd ban tew
  5. Say no to farming. Many people every day get stripped and Farmed into reset. This is bullying! Stop it now!
  6. It's not the farming that's the issue.
    It's that stat difference that is the problem.

    Yes most people take pride and joy in earning easy wins on opponents that can't hit back.

    But hey IG them also asking you to drop stats isn't a bigger problem
  7. I gotta get me some a dis
  8. I bet it taste like booty
  9. why u dont just go to setting>apps manager>pimd>uninstall/ this is will make u feel better also i will feel good (ATA SHOULD BAN THE NOOBS)
  10. Old thread from 2014 I doubt op still plays
  11. I give this no support.
  12. Farming is a GREAT and AUGUST part of the game.
  13. farm styci's rs been farming me without any reason

  14. Courtesy of Chaos
  15. God that meme brings me memories lmfao