Kitty Cat Bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaido, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. one of the biggest farmers other then brocodesgrow up
  2. Drew just get over sad to see your still starting drama thought you learned
  3. Feel like I know that guys acc  lol..
  4. I would if I could?
  5. Go to sleep nub
  6. Oh. I helped kitty cat bar unlock parties ? lol when they started ? ? yee I refuse to sleep
  7. Didn't you help them like 1-2 months ago too?
  8. Yeah something like that ? so they've been going for a while lol
  9. Deejaybuzz acts like he knows what's going on. Hamturo was kicked from my club for farming my members. Taking into consideration he never bought a cat or dropped for himself, the admins dropped for him, he didn't really have a spot in the club to begin with. Hamturo was kicked for breaking the rules and recruited Deejaybuzz to hit the club. I put another member as the owner while I was getting on my Alt to bring it in.

    The person I put on charge for that 5 minutes shut down the club and ran away, changed her name, and started her own CC club. I didn't make another cub, my friend made it, and was recruiting members, when I joined to help with 5 other people Deejaybuzz hit again, and my friend disbanned the club.

    I then made my own club, spent a lot of money and unlocked parties to drop 15 free after unock and have sold over 40 cats since. NO ONE gets kicked before they're time is up UNLESS they break the rules, where it clearly is posted on the club wall.

    Dejaybuzz acts like I murdered his family, when in reality, the guy who initially was kicked and HIRED deejay became friends with me, said he didn't care, and ended up leaving the game. I never cfed to Deejaybuzz, because it never had anything to with him. Hamturo didn't care because he understood after we TALKED about it. Deejay has never been a member in my club and has no clue how my club is ran. 
  10. Murdering a family isn't cool, at least take them out to dinner first.
  11. I have hundreds of screenshots contrary to the BS you've written above.

    YOU accepted the CF deal now you've gone back on it. Your CF has been revoked. It is what it is and won't end well for you and your club.

    With little to discuss we WILL be targeting your club all day every day until you disband.

    What part of NEVER own a club did you not understand?
  12. Again, you shouldn't run a club if you're too weak and scared that you kick people as soon as someone tells you to.

    I wasn't being farmed while I was in your piece of crap of a club, and I'm still not being farmed mmk?

    If it makes you feel any better keep calling me disrespectful, although like I told you so many times, I was talking to someone else until your vegetable members came into the chat.

    Damn you people are dense af

    Oh and p.s. Drew is one of the biggest farmers on this game? He's denser than your whole club combined and has barely even hit me
  13. Why isn't she allowed to run her own club?? You have her phone? You're her parent? Didn't know you control what she does.. I'm sure she's a grown woman and she makes her own choices.  It's a game get a life and stop acting like you control everyone! Thanks
  14. I'm so lost  the club does not scam people you crack me up
  15. Obviously you can't read
    Go suck more ass sweetheart
  16. Oh, did your vegetable club tell you to come and say that? Go to tell them how showed me and put me in my place
    Go on run along now
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. I like said drew starts drama still it's sad but he's not a farmer he cried about raider hitting him and dropped stats for him back in om so