
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by whyyousoserious-_____0_______0, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Intel type or stre type??
  2. Intel ftw
  3. Let me break it for you

    Strength gets more than int in parties

    Int takes more hits than strength before reaching DTW , which might sound good but in non system war it can be a negative thing

    Most of the players go with a strength build so if you're int build you will be able to hit players higher than you but at same time players having less stats than you can hit you too

    All in all
    If you're a party fairy go with Strength cause people won't be hitting you anyways and you will get more money than int counterpart
  4. Why not both?
  5. Equal stats ?
    Lmao worst decision ever
  6. Equal builds used to be of great use back in the day. But it won't work so much because of the huge stat differences. It's extremely pleasing for my ocd tho js
  7. In a nutshell
  8. Intel builds ftw
    Idc what you all say, pranking pinning peeps for hours and watching them get so butthurt about it is one of the few reasons I still play this game lol
  9. Ikr only reason I'm not int build is that reduced payout if it was equal , INT would be master race
  10. And because you live off cc

  11. I..... i think I'm in love
  12. True but weren't you asking me to drop cat for you too ? :roll:
  13. I'm in love with your ign :cry:
  14. Choose none and quit
  16. I'd say 0/0 is the best cuz nobody can hit you.Lucky right ? We wouldnt have to see you whine later on.
  17. Intel for pinning fulfillment
    Strength for farming cash away

    ^mostly just sfw..but system war too yeah
  18. I maybe wrong but I think if you drop to 0/0 stats you can still be hit.
  19. Why don't you drop to 0/0 and find out