as you can see this post is quote from another player I related tho. But honestly, I think it's just the initial shock. I guess it was different for me when the goal was items now it's *literally* how many parties you can complete. I just had a what are we doing moment? Anyway, I'm glad at least they keep in mind that different players do different things and want different things so they make side stories, and main stories, and other nonsense so you can really customize the hunt.
I enjoying this kind of hunt though… this not a boring hunt, we do merc and meet a new people… it's entertaining
Collecting medals of potd is what I would do. I don't need to be in top so it works for me even if I don't complete every side task. That way I'm both loyal to my club and also enjoying the hunt
People don't really join to help with potd unless it's LBH nowdays... stop just pushing away the problem please. Yes it's Both good and bad, but in the long run I fear it will only be bad. People is not less loyal for jumping out of a club if they come back. But for those who own the club or have responsibility they lose a lot on that. They cannot do parties cause people are out. And they cannot jump away themselves. Meanwhile you cannot force someone to stay? Seriously, you hear how ridicoulus it sounds? In the End people wont be interested in having clubs and clubs will start to fade away. People will go to other chat groups to stay in touch, it doesn't matter if the names are blocked on almost every chat group. Give up or come with a strong argument instead of pushing it away please.
Clubs fail anyways. Especially newer clubs that don't have access to parties. You sound exceptionally whiny at this moment. Please stop complaining. The hunt is what it is. I'm loyal to my club and am not mercing but I really enjoy when ATA brings in new ideas. I personally think the party completion medals are great. It's not the main hunt so just ignore it. If you don't like it, don't play. Clubs will not fade away because a lot of them have a strong perm/merc membership. There will always be clubs, especially with the never ending stream of RPers. If this is such a struggle for you, try again with a club at a later date. This is just the current hunt and it will change in 2 weeks. No use crying over something that isn't going to change.
I've stated the solution right about a 1000 times. You don't see it. I give up on making you understand because you don't want to see it. Mate, if you're so scared already about your members leaving, it just shows that you don't have faith in them. You're dug too deep in the game so go ahead and cry some more if that's what you're into
Right now it feels more like you are attacking me? Is it whining to have an own opinion now just cause it's not your and try to point out what I mean? But perhaps argumentation is whiny aswell. Yes there will still be clubs, and yes this party is for 2 weeks and yes, it's not the main and once again, YES it's good that they come with new ideas. I've never said anything of that were bad. I only stated there will be less clubs, also.. you think your biggy clubs will accept in the new people? Or do they have to low power perhaps? Please try to look in another perspective. Just cause you have much power doesn't mean more parties like this in the future will be good for every player.
A solution? So now there is one solution? So why are there many fighting about policy we should have in democratic countries if there is only one solution? Besides I didn't get your solution it wasn't that clear. You just pushed my point away and stated this was good. Thats it. No argument or anything... But clearly cannot argue lol. Don't give up and show your point and face my arguments. Would be helpful if this now such is so good.
I love this game but this hunt makes me tired and annoyed ? so I left my main and take a break. E.A.S.Y
You are being whiny because you've complained about this on multiple posts. You continue arguing it with everyone, though no one cares. There will not be less clubs. People will always make more. The bigger clubs aren't going to allow in lower stat members, but I started out the same way as you and built. The whole point of this game is to get bigger and small stat profiles can't keep up with the bigger ones. Small clubs will grow into big ones. I never said it would be good for every player but that is the name of the game. It's unfair. Just wait until you start getting farmed, that's far worse than this one challenge that lasted 24 hours.
I had fun with it. My home club worked together during the day to run fast complete parties (which would not have been possible without LBH). Then as more people fell asleep, we could merc LBH. Doing this, I completed top 500, which hasn't happened in a long time---without a single Cat Cafe. Remember, hunts based on LBH---someone has to be there hitting to get to that last bar. It helps those smaller clubs that sometimes have trouble completing parties, and winning some rewards really motivated many of my club members. Plus Cat Cafe was not necessary, which is something the players have been begging for for a very long time!
Goes to show once again ATA haven't listened to their players are made their own decisions about the direction of the game. HUNTS ARE RUINING THE GAME. War system please
Seriously? I had my opinion and Daisy started arguing with me because of it. Yes I have write my opinion in 2 threads and Daisy answered on Both. So I don't have right to defend myself? Acctually right now it's only you whining.. Seriously just drop it and let people have their own opinion. Whats wrong with people??
Lmaooo the challenge was funny as helll. So much people saying "ty" then after couple seconds everyone's all like "tyfp" and then they bounce lolol. Shout out to all the clubs, who allowed mercs in when they didn't even need them, just to help them get their medals. There was a lot of rude ass mercs telling club owners/admins to kick out their inactives or they gonna farm them lmao. I get you gotta finish 6 parties in 30 min but the world don't revolve around yo ass.
Just quit complaining and play the game. That's all I'm saying. Your complaint just joins the millions of other complaints that do nothing.
Grim_AdrasteaKinofPurgatory Seriously stop whine and rop this. Having an opinion is not complaining...