Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 1.5mcs looking for the same or close to it minimum 700kcs active rs
  4. I'm looking for a relationship
  5. Wat happens if the person does not reject how do u ask someone else out when it keeps saying pending?
  6. You slide your screen left. Click relationship. And then click ask out. You can cancel your ask out.
  7. Looking for 8mcs or bigger and willing to take hits...
  8. Intel build rs needed.

    Preferably a girl.

    10mcs ~ Should be willing to do pink EC dates.

    I think that's about it. I can ask. Just talk to me and trade newest gifts with me.

    I'll get you a cat if I likes you enough ??
  9. Currently looking for a 20mcs+ RS
    I am a little over 23mcs.
    Wall or message me. TY 
  10. Looking for rs im 1.5mcs
    Close to it minimum 700kcs
    Can ask and I'm active
  12. ️ Looking for stat rs, 4mcs I'm 4.5mcs. Must be active and males only. Can ask till 16th ️
  13. Looking for a rs. Must be +5mcs. Wall me please
  14. Need perm rs I'm __mcs
    Need __mcs
    Female only please btwn \18-30/
    Add me directly or wall me
  15. Back to the market:

  16. Looking for a perm rs 35mcs
    Someone who will gift back
    Wall/follow me
  17. No longer looking I found a rs.
  18. Looking for an rs with at LEAST 1mcs in stats. Preferably female - just for stats and gifts, although it would be nice if they'd be willing to have proper conversations as well.
  19. I'm 5mcs and I'm looking for a perm rs(just for stats.of my stats or more than mine)if any one interested plz do ask out(only girls plz)
  20. Rs me , my rp is lit