2x Cat Cafe Payout

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Hey guys! Enjoy 2x Payout from Cat Cafe from now until 12PM PST on Monday, February 13th!

    Note: This will apply to Parties started from this point forward.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Interesting
  3. Is there gonna be 50% on DATES like Last year ??
  5. Doubled edms?️️️️️
  6. ?oh yay still ain't buying one
  7. Do you guys always do that to mess up t100 lol smh
  8. why isn't dis announcement red
  9. Again 2x just after 2 weeks of last 2x, ata want more cats to be purchased
  10. u think they'd put CP on sale for EC and then not have a promo? U funny
  11. you are over doing it tbh, whenever a hunt fails you throw same ole promo
  12. No support
  13. ATA should double the hunt drops from kitties too
  14. And the kitty clubs praise the almighty promo gods once again
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