Can pimd players be seen as gamers ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aphrodite549, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. So Ive been gaming most of life starting off with game cube then gradually to PlayStation and Xbox whilst I got older.

    So majority of people agree that if you play Facebook games such a FarmVille you're not an actual gamer. But would you count pimd players as gamers ??

    The only reason I would slightly agree is down the money and time people invest into this. People buy £50 ec deals on here which is the same amount a console or pc gamer would pay for a new release game. Of course pimd is a different type of "gaming" as it's not fast pace like shooters where you got to have quick reactions. But pimd is strategic, especially when looking at builds and Pvp.

    What do you think ? Do you agree or disagree ? Or are you on the fence about it like me
  2. What do you mean it isn't high intensity and just requires strategy? Have you ever been in an rp club? Gotta roleplay the heck out of that, have good timing and creativity to do well and thrive.
    If you're in a creature rp club you can get that full on Dungeons and Dragons experience.
    Second, this is like one of those stock exchange simulator games where you invest in things amd sell them before they depreciate in value. Trading showcase items is a game that actually does require timing and social manipulation.

    If you're warring someone, things can get intense. If you're being hit and a tut gets hired from you, I bet you your heart will race and you'll be using your finger dexterity to get that money buried or your energy gone.

    Tactics are macro and micro. It is a game. We are gamers.
  3. Support. And no more threads please.
  4. This is a pay to win game.
  5. Is Aphrodite just a kid with too much time on his or her hands?

    Click to find a small essay debating this topic!
  6. If I was a kid I wouldn't be allowed on this game would I darling ;)
    If you wanna make a debate thread on the topic, I'll happily participate ?
  7. Hmm good question. Not sure. But when I had a lot of times on my hand my forum activities increased and I did a lot of useless typing like op. And op does a lot of it complaining, explaining self, useless post and attention seeking threads.
  8. Farmville= Hardcore Farmers
  9. Lolol ancestors of all farmers present in pimd
  11. According to me no
  12. Pay 2 win and...Naaaah
  13. I'm sorry to say that Playing Pimd Doesn't make u a Gamer. Pimd is like the Sims If u have played or heard of it but in here we move pages. Funny isn't it?
    Needless to say If u have a steam account Add me & I'll Show u what a true gamer looks like. :)
  14. I loved the sims !! Would spend hours on it. I sadly don't pc game anymore :( I'm PlayStation. I've always been into console gaming more. But I love league of legends ?
  15. League of legend that's Cute
    I play dota 2
  16. O first of all, you need to get back to pc, redownload league, and play with me 

  17. I've always wanted to learn Dota 2, I used to play Dota when it was out on wc3
  18. Sorry but league of Legend is kinda Ummmmmmm Well, Hmmmmmmmm idk how to put it SAME like Dota 2 & That means you have steam account add me I'm lvl 103 Account with international Pro Player on my List :) Happy To Introduce you.

    P.s I Love Female Gamers I'm Crazy For Them!!!!!!
  19. I only play smite now cause it's the only moba on console. In my eyes smite is proper crap compared to league but I have to compromise on console ?

    Never played or looked into dota so I can't really say on that matter.