Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aphrodite549, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. YAS finally the age limit is back to 17 !! No more 13+ with parental consent !

    Good job ?

  2. it's always been 17 ?
  3. No before it could be 13+ with parents consent. If you're 17+ you could download the app as you pleased. Which still won't stop them all they gotta do it tap a button. But at least they will get banned if they reveal their age ?
  4. No support.
  5. If it's 17+ they should remove the lame ass censorship 
  6. True true, but ata can 100% stop the kids so there's gotta be some censorship I guess
  7. Not going to happen. Even if you're over 17, not everyone loves hopping into chat to a string of profanities or explicit content. Just because one can, doesn't' mean one should.
  8. Yeah, bad enough we see thirsties 
  10. ^This.
  12. True, but at the same time you're creating a proverbial safe space for kids lol. Lots of people here are mean, so it can go bad either way lol.
  13. Not only about protecting kids. It's about respect and public decency. A lot of workplaces don't allow foul language either. If it's allowed just imagine the number of people who would actually abuse it. Not everyone wants to use it for the sake of expression.

    You're free to do so in private channels at least. 
  14. I mean they could remove the profanities they put there? several things have them in the description. It's stupid to have restrictions then break them yourselves.


  16. How about INDIA vs pakistan verbal war in Asian Campus where all use profanities in Hindi
  17. 
  18. Ignore me.
    I just came here to read the comments :)
  20. Rekt