Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --Sinister-Saint--, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Hunts are suppose to make you want to spend money on the game and want to upgrade, no support. ?
  2. Really? Do you have a source for this claim?
  3. Our stats 
  4. What?
  5. No support just fork out $5 m8 and buy a cat it's not that hard. :roll:
  6. Kefo are you really going to act so stupid and deny the fact that whole point of hunts is to make players spend ?
  7. True. And it wouldnt be right to want everything to be 100% free when people worked hard to create and update this game. Unlike other games, we're not forced to see or watch ads while playing, unless you want tokens, so thats already a benefit. Spending money in the game is optional. No one is making people buy cats, so dont be a crybaby just because you're not willing to spend money and others are. They deserve to get better rewards than the rest of the players if they're paying for it. It's only fair.
  8. Support. Maybe a PVP hunt

    What's the point in Having stats if nobody utilises them lol
  9. I second this opinion
  10. Yeah but they didn't so who cares? :roll:
  11. I do cause I got to enjoy PIMD during the glory days. No pimd is poop
  12. If no pimd is poop why do you complain about it so much? :roll:
  13. I'm on about 2 years ago darling. I've only started becoming uber active on forums a good few months ago. Before I never even knew it existed lol
  15. Yeah, maybe that will get their attention
  16. Lets be realistic, ATA isn't ever going to follow through with this idea of yours so why bother.
  17. Ignore me
    I just came here to read the comments :)
  18. Cartoon network & nickelodeon used to be my everything before puberty hit me and Disney stole all my attention.
    I'd love a hunt like that and maybe without these annoying tiers.