Not true. EVERYONE is strong enough to get out if bed in the morning if they just try. But there are a lot of people nowadays especially in the younger generation who would rather complain about the problem than actually do anything to correct it. Instead of getting up and saying "Man...I feel bad today and I don't like it. I should do something about it." Then getting out of bed and actively seeking help, they instead search for help on a phone or on a pamphlet. I do have 1st hand experience dealing with depression whether I sound like it or not. And I did seek out help and made myself feel better. Also, I did all this without just taking some randomly prescribed pill or some other way of false security. I actually fixed what was wrong with me and made myself a better person, thereby improving my sense of self worth, thereby almost eliminating the depression in my life. It's still a daily fight to keep it from returning, but as for today I am proud of who I am and what I've accomplished and that leads me to get up and feel good about myself everyday.
Ok so explain the people who commit suicide. If EVERYONE is strong then how come people take their own lives. Go on I'll wait You really must be that ignorant I've stated it numerous times. The leaflet idea is just so they know where to go because it's not that accessible to find the contact information on the student portal.
I don't know the answer to that question and I won't pretend to know it. I could speak my opinion of those people but I don't think many people here would like it. Yes a pamphlet in your school packet might be informative. Yes they could paint locations for help on every street corner at your school. But it's not going to help anyone. As I've stated before, people that need help HAVE to go out and get it. If they won't, then nothing will change
Do you really think that if someone is going to take their own life, reading a phone number to a group counseling session will change anything?
You are college-level should know how to find help if you need it. Especially in today's "information at your fingertips" society
This promotional may not help you but it may help others. You can only speak for yourself. I just think it's better for at least people to know that the resources are there, then not know at all. Regardless if 99% of them don't notice or care. If it even helps 1% think it's bloody worth it. Cause every life matters and soon those numbers would start to grow over the years hopefully.
Honestly, that's your fight. Right now, I'm not in my right mind I'm currently fighting severe depression, even on medication. For 4 days now (today being the 4th), I've locked myself in a dark room. I haven't ate for those 4 days, either. My next step would be checking myself into the psych ward at the VA hospital, but knowing I've been once and the quality of help was poor and for different reasons, I'm scared to. I'm not saying all this for attention... I don't want it because like everyone else, the mockery and painful, hurtful troll comments begin. I gave my advice from personal, life experience. Take it or leave it. I've tried helping with my knowledge of it, but as of right now. I'm done.
So be the change you want to see in your Uni. Posting on forums does so much less compared to talking to the leaders of these groups and helping fund posters to deal with these terrible things. Death is serious, and we can do all do so much more to help around us.
I am in basing a group project on a pitch of running an event for a student mental health charity. Hopefully should get the ball rolling
Not really. For veterans, it's the VA (Veterans Affairs) Hospital. There's one in major cities. I go to the one in Houston, Texas. I'll get through this. I promise. I always have and always will. This is only temporary and that glimmer of hope is what I'm waiting for.