Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Hella ugly avas
  2. why that ava :(

  3. Bumped wrong thread
  4. The Jungle Look - Makeup Remover

    1200 Makeup Remover

    • 100 PIMD Bank
  5. The Jungle Look - Makeup Remover

    1200 Makeup Remover

    • 100 PIMD Bank

    1800 Makeup Remover

    • Antique Binoculars[stats] 2,000,000/2,000,000 [/stats]
    • Jungle Hunk (VIP)
    • Jungle Queen (VIP)
  6. They sure like to use the same avatars ?
  7. Exactly there's like 3 sets of the avis, they should've just gave the ones like that but the ones you get in the boxes :roll: same stats just different coloured clothes
  8. The only ones were worthy was the 6k ones..It's like ata gave up on the hunt ?
  9. There's nothing after 60k of leopard ears and 1800 makeup remover..
  10. Bump anyway
  13. I can't wait to know what Ava I'll get in this hunt