
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MMIO, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. If you're reading this..

    Roses Are Red
    My Heart Is Fat?
    Be My Valentine
    Or Cashh Me Outside,
    Howbout Dahh?
  2. Roses are red
    Violets are blue

    I need a Poo, im Gonna  on you!
  3. Wow so original ??
  4. 10/10 Quality
  5. What's lel ?

    Laughing enough loud ?

  6. 10/10.
  7. Shut the front door, how about that?
  8. I would assume it would be "Extremely"  You on some  patch.
  9. Roses are black

    Violets are black

    Everything is non-descriptive because I am blind

    And can't see color at all

    Stop lights are hard to drive thru when you don't see color ???
  10. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I've got 5 fingers
    And the middle ones for you
  12. Lizards are red
    Golems are blue
    If you were a buff
    I'd rather have you