
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Hinata_Hyuga_, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Anyone play Roblox? Or suggest any other apps or computer games I can play.
  2. Leave and stick to roblox
  3. Support
  4. Minecraft is better
  5. MeinKampf is better ^

    It has been a good run forums
    Forum Ban coming soon :lol:
  6. I believe talking and discussing games is okay. Just giving your third party info, i.e. Usernames, accounts etc on those said games isn't allowed

    Crash sucks
  7. It's not that lol
    I'll explain in pm
  8. WORD
  9. Said no one ever
  10. I'm good thanks tho.
  11. I play minecraft on ps3
  12. Idk. I played roblox for a while when I was younger, decent game if you're creative.

    Hell, it has less kids than this game :lol: :lol:

    My time here is done anyway. It's been a good run, but recent development has just killed it
  13. Playing on Mineplex right now
  14. Smash monsters. Best ata game ever. Well, best current ata game.

  15. Gaw
  16. Nah they ruined smash
  17. Advertisement of third party apps tho :roll: