Harmony aka Wombraider

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Thumper, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Same.. How we would send the corniest things in the rs gifts.. Wish I could read the last one I sent to her
  2. No thread has ever made me so emotional, than each of the comments here have made me 
  3. I'm so sorry to hear of Harmony's passing, I did not know her but my heart is broken for all her friends and family after reading some of these beautiful messages, RIP
  4. 
  5. RiP
  6. She was a great friend, I'll never forget when she roasted me and taught me how to cut someone with my eyeliner. It's sad to see one that you love leave but now we know she rests in peace and will always be in our hearts. ???
  7. is he/she still dead yet ?

  8. Tony and bronco are going to her funeral that is coming up. So you can put your doubts to rest. You just look like an ass.