Post-Hunt war for Harmony

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToyBot, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. put me on whatever side wallace is on
  2. Highlight on Fleek, because those girls look like they bathe their faces in Crisco.
  3. Signi me up...any side...
  4. Whatever side Cj is on ️
  6. Sign me up, whichever side is fine ?
  7. BAHAHA for me 
  8. Rest In Peace Harmony, we all love you. I would like to join the war and whichever side is fine. I don't mind.
  9. Highlight on fleek please ️
  10. me and my pup wanna be on the highlight side 
  11. Highlight on fleek
  12. Sign me up for whichever ️
  13. Oh wow I can't even join.
    I'm not 2mcs ;(
    But she was a good friend of mines
    ♡ rest in love Harm
  14. Sign me up on either side
  15. BAHAHAHA Please and thanks.