Avatars cos bored (1)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---_Castiel, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Posting here also cos y not? :D Thanks again to Iniquitous and Valentina-Rose.

    AVATAR 1

    AVATAR 2

  2. About avatars as prizes I think we should get choices of gender to choose.it sucks when u a female and get male ava.so I suggest we get a choice.
  3. O wow finally, someone who can spell it right :lol:
  4. But don't they go in pairs? I mean in hunts?
  5. Looks like one of those pictures of real people over-edited in that cartoon filter

    But if you made it from scratch, looks neat
  6. I think they are Real People...
  7. Thought so, kinda looks like it
  8. Well no you can't because they have opposite stats. One will be high Intel low str and vise Versa. If people could pick it would be unfair as they would pick the one that suits to their build.