Hi ata, y'all rolled out the club roles feature with multiple roles, some of which are redundant, but still it's a useful feature by and large. It would be great if y'all could add the send to all feature whereby we can send a message to all members with a send to all button rather then sending it to everyone individually. You could also introduce selecting certain members and sending a message to all of them at once. Just an opinion
It's really not that hard.... Like, say they make everything easy with a click of one button. Where's the gameplay? U click and button, then another and all of sudden u have nothing to do. Why??
Everyone isn't present in club chat everytime...and this feature will specifically help cc club admins
So I heard a rumor, about a certain dev. I ain't saying names but he snapped on wc. I just wanna say, u r cray
First you'll ask for admin chat then you'll ask for group chat then specific admin chat then chatting chat and by the time ata start to listen you'll quit playing I want a support chat option where you can only post "NO SUPPORT"