Genius Idea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Capnjonj, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. \(°-°\) Why don't we take all the RP clubs (/°-°)/ and put them over there?
  2. 10/10 you must be Hawking
  3. Support and sticky
  4. Why does that sound so harsh ?
  5. not that smart idea
  6. Space shattering type of genius right herr
  8. We should give them their own game, call it Meego
  9. Everyone kick in like 5-10 bucks, ATA can make them their own RP game. No updates or hunts. Just free clubs.
  10. Support oh em gee ?
  11. Wth I always start a new page.. hate my life
  12. I agree ^
  13. I'm liking the SBO revival. Support!
  14. Thanks! Its good to have a lot of us back and we're gonna work on getting some new perms in here!

    Support on over to any A's too! \(°u°)/