Weird Facts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bird, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. You can buy eel flavoured ice cream in japan 

    The Nasa Vehicle Assembly Building has its own rainclouds ️

    The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body 

    Half of all humans who have ever lived, died from malaria 

    Once Charlie Chaplin entered a contest for “Charlie Chaplin look-alikes” and he came in third 

    Pirates wear eye patches so that they can see in the dark (one of their eyes get adjusted to seeing in it for lower decks) ?

  2. Ok... I'll be waiting for you to prove it but we've taken up too much room in Danas thread lol
  3. True, back to the weird facts ?

    The founders/owners of Macy's died on the Titanic, they were portrayed in the movie as the old couple who fell asleep while the ship was sinking
  4. 1) that's the grossest thing I've ever heard...

    2) I want to be a pirate... Make it happen little bird
  5. I buy you a costume and you can model it for me 
  6.  yessss
  7. Fried chicken, grape koolaid, watermelon, and a rap CD wasn't the best gift for a dudes girlfriend. She sharkieshaed the shit outta him.
  8. You ain't from america bird. Sharkiesha. Look it up on utube. That shit was funny as f
  9. Ok will do, I need the amusement
  10. Make forums great again
  11. Agree :lol:
  12. Dana was bae?
  13. Yes bby
  14. Since the earth is only like 7-8k years old I dunno about that gum thing tbh. Didn't know it existed before people even made it lol.
  15. How the hell are blueberries not blue?!?!
    I have to go rethink my entire life now......??