Why Me?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *kayleeann2327 (01), Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. Alright I can wait till later today , sorry I wasnt on straight away but im tired and had to do other things
  2. SICK!!!!!!!!! wait where'd I go? I'm the host
  3. You'll come in later. Don't worry, you weren't forgoten:) lol.
  4. Phew was worried for a second there lol
  5. Lol i didnt forget you Danzo 
  6. Hey you guys. This story will temporarily be not updated. I'm taking some time off from PIMD. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll update when I come back though. Goodbye

    Ps. If you'd like to read my goodbye letter, it's in off topic.
  7. Bump. Updating soon.
  8. Before i go to bed i hope!
  10. - Yeahhhh ! Whew  .
  11. I will later guys...the next scene is crutial that I write it correctly or it'll sound weird. It's a new concept in life so I have to explain it correctly lol
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