I believe that they should use part of the money received from hunts to start implementing ideas that players suggest. Mass gifting and organization of the gift store should be an absolute and obvious aspect of the game that can be added. No reason this shouldn't be done with practically 100% support. I understand it takes time, but this argument started in Feb. 2014, when we had to gift 1400 hippo chocolates for the Valentines hunt. Wouldn't it be easier to just tap the chocolate, have an option to send 1, 5, 10, 100, 500, or max amount of an item instead of one at a time, wasting so much time? ATA, I hope you understand that success is more than just profits. It is also customer satisfaction. In my opinion, you aren't the greatest at that. Make us players more satisfied, and more players may be willing to pay.
PVP, we should just forget about it. As for parties, I don't mind partying anymore because it's easier to unload when I'm busy with schoolwork or work. As for things they should implement, I don't care about scamming, I just want those who complain to shut up, so give them a trading system. Make gifting in bulk available, make our lives easier and quicker. All persons who know coding have agreed with me that is simple coding especially since they already have the code for attack/defense items. As for smaller players and avatars, I think with story rewards they are still testing things out, but Noobs should be more than capable of getting the simpler avatars while VIP's should o be accessible mostly for cat club ppl. At least give something to non-paying players ... not everyone can afford it.
They are now taking the total mick with the Avis during the stories with this New Years hunt !! There is no way you could get them without doing a few flashes or just sitting a b2b cc. The items are ugly and not even worth it either tbh ! I usually love the hunts but this one was a total disgrace. If this does carry on I just won't bother anymore smh
So I see so many posts about how dissatisfied a lot of players are, but people still keep playing. It's interesting how this game has sucked so many people in, yet no one has banded together to actually say "hey, what the hell, this isn't right." With 2 stars in the App Store though, maybe ATA needs to step back and realize that a lot of the players are dissatisfied. I wonder if we can take a poll on this. Like setting up a questionnaire and getting data from it ?
Beta wars out Super pros out Wc canker Obsolete gifting system And the list goes on and on.. This past hunt was the latest garbage they threw at us. It looked like they needed a quick money fix or something. Their degree of obstinacy astounds me. Why can't they get that money they want and still make the people who patronize their product happy? They are like that chronic cheating gf/bf you still hope will change bhahaha :lol: How they are able make it through 6 years and still maintain this level of crap is as amazing as it's ridiculous. They are the MVP! :lol:
Don't you know bro? They are milking the blood of a malnourished cow that's just waiting for the kiss of a bullet to end it all.
Lol pretty much ^^^ And to anyone complain about pvp, hate to break it to you, but doing one sw every 2-3 months is not pvp.. Try joining a sfw club that only does party those 2-3 days when promo on and then complain about pvp..the rest of the 350 or so days a year, nobody force you to not hit other player :lol: I honestly gave up years ago about ATA and pvp, I just do my thing , been same since I was Ascension 2+ years ago...️?